A Success Story
Massive Dataset Consolidated & Architecture Streamlined for Optimal User Experience for a global technology company.
Dashboard performance optimized for responsiveness and data governance compliance is met with Bardess’ consultative guidance and streamlined technical solutions.
Industries: Technology
Technologies: Snowflake, Dashboards
Use Cases: Big Data, SLA, Governance, UI/UX, Enterprise Architecture

Missed SLA, unmet data governance compliance guidelines, large datasets and lengthy dashboard rendering, were all factors in contributing to the clients poor user experience and dissatisfaction. The client’s dashboards required to render in 5 seconds were now taking 20-25 seconds. System output was missing the 5 second service level agreement (SLA) which had been set to ensure desired business performance, and the client’s current method used to streamline their architecture had proven problematic. As a long-time consultative data analytics partner, the client turned to Bardess to resolve their issues.
Bardess worked collaboratively with the client to define their business problem ensuring the outcome met the client’s business objectives. After partnering with the client’s users on data requirements, Bardess was able to reduce the dataset by 90% and moved the significantly smaller dataset to a large Snowflake warehouse with a live connection. The new streamlined architecture enabled the data queries to be rendered in 5 seconds or less, providing a responsive user experience and successfully meeting the SLA.
The client’s dashboards now performed optimally, and the user experience was vastly improved. The 5 second data dashboard SLA was met through a streamlined architecture and consolidated dataset. Data governance compliance was accomplished, and the business users were satisfied with the new system performance.
User Experience Vastly Improved
5 second SLA met
Lower TCO
Improved visibility
Control over utilization to support strategic business decisions
Contact Bardess
Main Office
Randolph, NJ 07869