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By Karen Miglin – Internet and Social Media Marketing Manager

Business intelligence (BI) is all about data and seeing that data in the best way possible in order to get the most out it.  So, as I see it, two of the most important aspects of BI are the:

  •  data
  • search ability of the data

Data is used to impart information that in turn is used to make decisions.  Therefore, good data means good decisions, bad data means bad decisions.  So, my first recommendation is, make sure the quality of your data is good.  Data Quality is the foundation for all data and systems activities within a corporation. Quality data is required to deliver correct information to decision-makers who will leverage it to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Search ability of the data needs to appeal to every functional area as well as every level of user.  The easier it is to use a BI tool, the more it will be used, and the greater number of benefit-driven decisions will be made for the company.

At Bardess we are software agnostic.  However, when it comes to a BI tool, nothing so far has made our clients happier than QlikView.  Just to show you that we are not the only ones touting QlikView’s amazing capabilities, according to Gartner, usability is the No. 1 selection criterion when choosing BI tools.  And who ranks at the top in usability among the most popular BI tools?  QlikView.  Usability is just one of the things that make QlikView the best choice.

Looking to implement or augment your current BI strategies?  Contact us for a free demo.
