A couple of weeks ago I came across this article on the Harvard Business Review on data quality and its impact on machine learning models. It made me think about the factors that put a new data science project on the path to success. A note on planning Data science...
How do you get those insights? The Bardess Zero2Hero stack is one way, but the stack needs a skilled data scientist behind it to really make things happen. Serena Peruzzo is the newest data scientist on the Bardess team, but she brings a wealth of high-level expertise...
Data Science Leading the way for Business Intelligence Fast-paced and highly competitive industries evolve in a flash, making it imperative to bring top-notch leaders to the table at all positions. Daniel Parton, lead data scientist here at Bardess is one of those...
By: Scott Jennings-Director, Industry Solutions – Retail Sector at Qlik Black Friday & Cyber Monday both set new records for online sales in 2016. Black Friday accounted for $3.34 billion in online sales and Cyber Monday accounted for $3.45 billion...